Thursday, 10 April 2014

Shaun Short's Short Short - John Foster

Tips on how to read poems loudly.

•Use good posture. Look confident.
•Use eye contact with the entire audience.
•Relax and be natural. Enjoy your poem.
•Read the poem slowly.

1 comment:

  1. Is the title of the blog post correct? You just need to add the authors name

    Did they label their poem Reading? Yes

    I can hear your voice really well but you need to have a bit more expression. You have the same tone throughout the whole of the poem but I guess your poem was a bit of a tongue twister so it would of been hard to do.

    You read at quite a good pace, considering you chose a tongue twister poem!

    I think you chose quite a humorous poem. I enjoyed listening to you, good job for not mucking up!

    Rate their poetry reading for the following categories.
    Score out of 3 (1 = poor, 2 = average, 3 = excellent)
    3 - Excellent
