Monday, 14 April 2014

Complaint Letter

30 18th Avenue

Tuesday 15th April, 2014
I went to Burger King, Fraser Cove and ordered a frozen coke on the 10th of April.
I went there and ordered one because I was thirsty.

It took about 20 minutes to make it for me, it cost $1 which is cheap. There was only one counter open so there was quite a line and it was moving slowly.

It would be better if they had more staff working after school to help with all the customers because its always busy from 3:00 to 3:30 pm. 

Your sincerely, 
Max Townsend

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Basic German

Hello - Guten Tag.

Goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen.

Thank you - Danke.

Count from 0 - 10 - Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Fünf, Sechs, Sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn

My name is - Ich HeiBe.

Facts about germany.

1. Germany is has 82 million people. (2012)

2. Germany is in the middle of europe
3. The German flag is red, yellow and black.

4. Germany has 9 borders.

5. Germans are the second largest beer consumers.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Homework - Wind song poem

 8 words the poet used to describe sounds.

1. Whisper

2. Clang
3. Creak
4. Swish
5. Sigh
6. Slap
7. Snap
8. Whistle

The poet describes some objects as acting like humans, for example "quiet things speak". Find two more examples of this kind of writing from the poem.

1. Treetops sigh 

2. Wires on poles whistle and hum

In the second line the poet states, "The quiet things speak". Name two "quiet things" from the poem.

1. Wires

2. Windows

What is shown by the use of the hyphen at the end of the line, "When the wind goes —"?

1. It means that it's making a sound.

What two main things happen in the poem?

1. Quite thing make noise
2. The wind makes things make noise

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Shaun Short's Short Short - John Foster

Tips on how to read poems loudly.

•Use good posture. Look confident.
•Use eye contact with the entire audience.
•Relax and be natural. Enjoy your poem.
•Read the poem slowly.

Khan Academy

•Salman Khan it the creator of Khan Academy.
•He makes videos for all over the world.
•Lots of kids watch his videos.
•Its a very simple exercise that covers all levels.
•Bill Gates funded KhanAcademy.
•These videos are the future of learning.
•He was interviewed by 60 minutes.
•He is 35 years old.
•He works in a tiny office in his wardrobe on top a teashop in silicon valley.
•He's made more than 3000 lessons.
•He has more than 4 million students.
•He can break down the most difficult questions.
•He does everything he can to learn.
•Most watched teacher.
•He has a good sense of humor.
•It started when he was helping a cousin with algebra.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014



I have 一弟弟
I have 一姐姐
I have a 妈妈
I have a 爸爸


I have one younger brother
I have one younger sister
I have a mum
I have a dad

Palm tree by Philippa werry

Philippa Werry
1. She writes for younger kids
2. She has a blog link -----> blog.
3.She went to private school for 2 years

McDonalds tattoo

Recall questions.
1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
Stian was the main person and his fiends. 
2. What was the key event from the news article?
He got a tattoo of a Mcdonalds receipt. 
3. Where did this event take place?
In Norway. 
4. When did this event take place?
1st of April. 
5. Why did this event happen?
Because his friends made him.

Thinking questions.
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
There is no quotes. 
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
He got a choice of a Mcdonald's receipt of barbie. 
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
It happened in Norway. 
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
He got a tattoo and in the future he might regret it. 
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
Because his friends forced him to. 
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article. 
1.Cheeseburger - hamburger with a slice of cheese.
2.Permanent - there forever. 
3.Teen - A person aged between 13 - 19.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Chinese tones

What is pinyin?
Chinese words

Chinese is a tonal language. What does this mean?
It means when a word has a tone it totally changes the meaning

How many tones are there?
4 tones

Describe how your voice changes for each tone

Tone 1 - High flat - ā

Tone 2 - rising - á

Tone 3 - Down and then up - ä

Tone 4 - Down - à

Chinese characters don't show
how words sound

What does ba (tone 1) mean?


What does ba (tone 4) mean?

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Homophones Their, There and They're


They're means they They are.
They're really happy.
They're sad.

Their  in, at, or to that place or position.r.
Their means it belongs to them.
It's their ball.
Look at their dog.

There it is a thing or a place.
Look over there.
I want to go there.

Their, There and They're game
Score 92%

Their, There and they're game
Score 7/10

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Student led conference

Today I had a student led conference with my teacher and my mum. We went through what I have been learning in my class. I am above average for my reading and maths. My goal is to improve by one whole level this year. But I am below in writing and hope to improve by more than one level this year.